File Type Report  

The File Type Report identifies the type of information that is requested from the web site. GIF and JPG are the two types of graphic (image) files that are most commonly supported by web browsers. HTML (sometimes abbreviated HTM), ASP, and [directories] all represent actual pages. The number of image requests will almost always outnumber page requests as one page may contain several images.

This report shows results with at least 2000 requests. This report is sorted by number of requests.

File Type Report: Number of requests by File Type.

File TypeNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferred
1..html1,313,06834.191 GB
2..txt311,30469.653 MB
3.[directories]163,7461.431 GB
4..pdf54,90418.893 GB
5..ico28,70337.610 MB
6..jpg26,474210.813 MB
7..gif14,63810.628 MB
8..png12,85237.583 MB
9..xml7,1211.786 MB
 [not listed: 12]1,939112.205 MB

This report was generated on August 4, 2024 14:39.
Report time frame January 1, 2024 00:00 to August 3, 2024 22:58.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 6.0 / Report Magic 2.21